
青帝小说>制高点 > 第12部分(第2页)



Chapter 1: Prologue '3:49'

第一章: 序言

The terrible events of September 11 showed how a whole world might be driven deeper into recession。

旁白: 恐怖事件表明,整个世界都可能被怎样引入更严重的衰退中。

Argentinas economic meltdown has raised new fears about the perils of the interconnected global economy。


BILL CLINTON; ; 1993…2001: You cant get away from the fact that globalization makes us interdependent; so its not an option to shed it。 So is it going to be; on balance; positive or negative?

美国总统(1993…2001)比尔?克林顿(Bill Clinton):你无法否认全球化使得我们更加互相依赖了,所以逃避是没有用的。那么,总的来说,这将是有利还是不利的?

NARRATOR: This is the story of how the new global economy was born。


For much of the 20th century; people blamed free…market capitalism for the ills of inflation; recession; depression; and mass unemployment。 So governments everywhere sought to curb market forces and rein in their economies。 The first to change direction were Ronald Reagan in America and Margaret Thatcher in Britain。

在20世纪的大部分时间里,人们把通货膨胀、衰退、萧条、及大规模的失业都归罪于自由市场资本主义。从而所有的政府都在寻求抑制市场力量并试图控制他们的经济,改变这个趋势的先驱是美国的罗纳德。里根(Ronald Reagan)总统和英国的玛格丽特。撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)首相。

In the 1980s; markets were deregulated。 State…owned industries were privatized。 It was the start of a world revolution。


JEFFREY SACHS; Professor; Harvard University: Part of what happened is a capitalist revolution。 At the end of the 20th century; the market economy; the capitalist system; became the only model for the vast majority of the world。

哈佛大学教授杰裴里。萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs):所发生的一些事情就是一场资本主义革命,到20世纪末,市场经济和资本主义制度成为了世界绝大多数国家所采用的唯一模式。

NARRATOR: The world changed its mind。 In the Soviet Union and its satellites; in the emerging markets of Asia; and in the state…dominated economies of Latin America; governments everywhere moved away from state control and towards free markets。


DANIEL YERGIN; Author; manding Heights: This free…market revolution has really led to the new global economy。 It excites some and terrifies others。

《制高点》(manding Heights)的作者丹尼尔。尤金(Daniel Yergin):这场自由市场革命确实导致了新的全球经济。对此,一些人感到兴奋,另一些人则感到恐惧。

NARRATOR: That revolution was wrenching。 Tonight on manding Heights: The Agony of Reform。

旁白:那场革命是痛苦的。今晚《制高点》(manding Heights)将讲述:改革的痛苦

Chapter 2: The Ghosts of Norilsk '4:27'

第二章: 诺里尔斯克幽灵

NARRATOR: Much of the world once modeled itself on the Soviet Union。 Here; Lenins revolution industrialized a backward country within a single generation。 The Soviet system; ruthless and centrally planned; gave birth to vast industrial plexes like Norilsk。


DANIEL YERGIN: Norilsk symbolized every stage of Soviet economic history; from the original prison camp and the beginnings of Soviet industrialization right up to the collapse of the economy in the 1990s。 So much of its history had been tied up with the fact that it was a prison camp。 Even in the early 1950s; 100;000 political prisoners were working in its mines and factories。

丹尼尔。尤金(Daniel Yergin):诺里尔斯克(Norilsk)反映了整个苏联经济发展史的每一个阶段,从最初的犯人集中营及苏联工业化起步一直到90年代苏联经济的解体。它的历史大多与其作为一个犯人集中营的事实紧密联系,即使是在50年代早期,还有10万名###在那里的矿山和工厂里工作着。

NARRATOR: Millions rode the slow train to the prison camps。 Vassily Romashkins crime against the state was to check out the wrong book from the public library。

旁白:成百上千万人坐上缓缓行驶的火车来到集中营。而瓦什利。罗曼希金(Vassily Romashkin)对国家的犯罪罪名只是从公共图书馆里借错了书。

VASSILY ROMASHKIN; Former Political Prisoner: They sent me over to Norilsk after the trial。 The trial lasted about 10 minutes。 My wife and I said our good…byes。

前###瓦什利。罗曼希金(Vassily Romashkin):他们在进行了10分钟的审判之后把我送到了诺里尔斯克(Nor

