WORKER: I dont know。 Why have we been doing that?
NARRATOR: But at a meeting with Wall Street financiers; Clinton had discussed a different agenda; an agenda some of his core supporters adamantly opposed。 Financial markets wanted to rein in government spending; cut the deficit; and embrace free trade。 Without these policies; they thought Americas economy wouldnt recover。 Over dinner in an exclusive restaurant; Clinton tried to persuade some of Wall Streets most seasoned executives that he saw the world as they did。
ROBERT RUBIN; Co…chairman; Goldman Sachs; 1990…1992; ; 1995…1999: My view was that the threshold economic issue for our country was to restore fiscal discipline after a long; long time during which fiscal discipline had eroded。
罗伯特鲁宾; 高盛公司,联合主席,1990…1992;美国财长,1995…1999:我认为,我国的首要经济问题是:如何在财政秩序被长期损害以后恢复财政秩序。
Onscreen caption: The 4 trillion in debt。
字幕:美国政府债务数字:4 万亿(美元)
BILL CLINTON: I could see that Rubin and the others that were there in this rather dark place where we had dinner at night were kind of looking and saying; ";Well; you know; can this guy from Arkansas be president? Could he possibly know enough about the economy to do it?";
ROBERT RUBIN: After that meeting I thought to myself that this was a man who cared about what I at least thought we needed to care a great deal about。 Now; on the issue of trade; he clearly believed in trade liberalization; and that clearly has been a dividing line in the Democratic Party。 It was then; and it is now。
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Chapter 3: NAFTA: The First Test '5:28'
第三章:北美自由贸易区: 第一次实验
NARRATOR :Trade became an issue in the 1992 presidential campaign。 Republican president George Bush had negotiated a treaty that would allow unrestricted flows of trade and investment between the ; Canada; and Mexico。
旁白: 贸易问题成为1992年总统大选的一个问题,共和党总统乔治布什已经谈好了一项条约:在美国、加拿大和墨西哥之间允许自由贸易和投资流动。
Onscreen title: NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement
For its supporters; trade embodies an idea: that open markets create wealth; bind nations together; and help construct a more prosperous …… and a more secure …… world。 NAFTA put that idea to a political test。 In America; it was the first great debate of the globalization era。
Onscreen title: 1992 presidential debate
ROSS PEROT; Reform Party Presidential Candidate; 1992: You have to admit that NAFTA; the Mexican trade agreement; where they pay people a dollar an hour; have no health care; no retirement; no pollution controls; etc。; etc。; etc。; youre going to hear a giant sucking sound of jobs being pulled out of this country。
ROSS PEROT,改革党总统候选人,1992:你不得不承认:根据北美自由贸易协定、墨西哥贸易协定,在墨西哥,小时工资只有一美元,没有健康护理,没有退休保障,不对污染进行控制,等等,等等,你将会听到大量的工作被吸引出这个国家的巨大声音。
GEORGE BUSH; President; 1989…1993: Ross says with great conviction that he opposes the North American Free Trade Agreement。 I am for the North American Free Trade Agreement。 My problem with Governor Clinton is that one day he says hes for it; the other he wants to make some changes。 When youre president of the United States; you cannot have this pattern of saying ";Im for it; but Im on the other side。";
BILL CLINTON: I am the one whos on the middle on this。 Mr。 Perot says its a bad deal; Mr。 Bush says its a hunky…dory deal。 I say it does more good than harm if we can get the Mexicans to live up to their own labor standards; their own environmental standards; and if we have genuine protection for workers displaced in America。