
青帝小说>制高点 > 第32部分(第1页)


e could write a set of rules for the global economy that would ensure that corporations had to live up to a minimum standard。

THEA LEE:事实是,商业社团很容易接触到国际机构以及它们本国的政府。因为我们感觉到要让我们的政府倾听我们的声音太难了或因为我们的政府对我们提出的所关注的问题不予理睬,我们就上街抗议了。而且我们认为我们可以做得更好。我们认为我们可以为全球经济制定一套规则以确保所有的公司必须要达到一个最低的标准。

NARRATOR: But inside the Seattle meeting; the unions demands met stiff resistance from the developing world。 They wanted more trade; not less。 Poorer countries charged that America and Europe unfairly protect industries with powerful union and business support。


JAIRAM RAMESH; Senior Economic Advisor to Indias Congress Party; 1991…1998: The fact is the rules of the game are tilted in favor of the economically powerful。 I understand; I respect that; and until India is economically powerful we are not going to be able to influence the rules of the game。 Lets take the textile trade。 Now all textile imports into America; for example; are governed by quotas。 Every country is allocated a certain quota。 Its not free trade。 Its managed trade。 America is free to sell textiles to us; but we are not free to sell textiles to America。

JAIRAM RAMESH,印度国大党的高级经济顾问,1991 – 1998:事实是游戏的规则向有利于经济强国的方面倾斜。我可以理解。 我认为直到印度成为一个经济强国,否则我们无法影响游戏规则的制定。让我们来看一看纺织品贸易。比如,现在所有要进口到美国的纺织品都要受配额的限制。每个国家被分配一定数量的配额。

NARRATOR: Developing countries forged a negotiating bloc to make Western markets more open。


DELEGATE: This should not be a time when big countries; strong countries; the worlds wealthiest countries; are setting about a process designed to enrich themselves。


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Chapter 17: Failure at the Summit '4:58'

第十七章: 峰会的失败

NARRATOR: Bill Clinton had been a leading proponent of expanded trade; but the protests forced him into a political corner。 A presidential election was about to begin; and Democrats needed union support。 In a speech to WTO delegates; Clinton appeared to side with the protestors on the streets。


BILL CLINTON: I condemn the small number who were violent and who tried to prevent you from meeting; but Im glad the others showed up; because they represent millions of people who are now asking questions about whether this enterprise will in fact take us all where we want to go。


NEWT GINGRICH: I think his speech at Seattle was an absolute disgrace and an act of strategic defeat for him。 I think they were gearing up for the election; and appeasing the unions to elect Gore was more important than standing for free trade。

NEWT GINGRICH:我认为,在西雅图发表的这次演讲绝对是个耻辱,是他的一次战略失败。我认为,他们在为选举做调整,安抚工会,让他们支持戈尔比克林顿支持自由贸易更加重要。

NARRATOR: Clinton instructed American WTO negotiators to keep protections for key


MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD: We believe in trade; but we didnt believe in just being a market for other people。 So when you talk about opening markets; you talk about the rich people who can manufacture goods with added value and sell them in our markets; not the other way round。


NARRATOR: Countries like Tanzania that rely on foreign aid claimed they wouldnt need the aid; if they could only sell their products to the West。


