
青帝小说>gossip girl 4 英文 > 第20部分(第2页)


Nate sucked hard on the burning roach and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket。 The problem

was; his other stoner St。 Jude?s buddies?Jeremy Scott Tompkinson; Charlie Dern; and Anthony

Avuldsen?all bought from Mitchell; too。 Mitchell was the best。 But it was worth calling just to

find out if any of them had managed to score a big stash before their dealer had disappeared。

Jeremy was in a cab on his way to an interschool squash club game at the Ninety…second Street

Y。 ?Sorry; dude;? his voice crackled over the line。 ?I?ve been doing mom?s Zoloft all day。 Why

don?t you just buy a dime bag from one of those dealers in the park or something??

Nate shrugged。 Something about buying a dime bag in the park seemed so 。 。 。lame 。 ?Whatever;

man;? he told Jeremy。 ?See you tomorrow。?

Charlie was in the Virgin megastore; buying DVDs with his little brother。 ?Bummer;? he said

when Nate told him about the situation。 ?But you?re right near the park; right? Just buy a dime


?Yeah; whatever;? Nate replied。 ?See you tomorrow。?

Anthony was having a driving lesson in the new BMW M3 sports car his parents had given him

for his eighteenth birthday last weekend。 ?Check your mom?s medicine cabinet;? he

advised。 ?Parents are the ultimate resource。?

?I?ll look into it;? Nate answered。 ?Later。? He clicked off and sucked the last drag off his puny

little roach。 ?Damn!? he cursed; flicking the charred remnants into the dirty snow beneath his feet。

This semester was supposed to have been a twenty…four…hour party。 He?d had an awesome

interview at Brown in November; and he was pretty sure his application rocked hard enough to get

him in。 Plus he was no longer hanging out with little Jenny Humphrey; who was very sweet and

had a great rack; but who?d taken up a shitload of his free time。 For the rest of senior year Nate

had been planning to smoke up; kick back; and just stay mellow until graduation; but without his

trusty dealer; that plan was basically moot。

Nate sat back on the green wooden bench and gazed up at the sumptuous limestone apartment

buildings lining Fifth Avenue。 To his right; he could just see the corner of Blair?s Seventy…second

Street apartment building。 Up in the penthouse; Blair?s Russian Blue cat; Kitty Minky; was

probably lying stretched out on Blair?s rose…colored bedspread; eagerly waiting for Blair to e

home and scratch him under the chin with her coral…pink nails。 Impulsively; Nate pushed the

buttons on his phone to speed…dial Blair?s cell phone。 It rang six times before she finally picked


?Hello?? Blair answered in a clipped voice。 She was seated in Garren?s new East Fifty…seventh

Street salon; which was decorated like a Turkish harem?s lair。 Gauzy pink…and…yellow silk scarves

hung from the ceiling; and huge pink…and…yellow…upholstered pillows were tossed at random

around the salon for clients to lounge on and sip Turkish coffee while they waited for their

