She drained the rest of her drink and spontaneously threw her arms around his back。 “Happy New Year; Natie!” she yelled into his shoulder blades as if it were the old days; and she’d just seen him a couple hours ago; rather than a whole year。 His body felt stronger than she’d remembered; and she could feel his taut muscles through his shirt。
“Serena;” Nate said dumbly; turning so his face was inches from hers。 He could smell her familiar patchouli…infused essential oil scent; and at first he wondered if this was some very weird reaction to the pot he’d smoked earlier。 Somebody at the party had had a bag of incredible Thai stick and had generously shared it with him。
“How are you?” he finally asked。 It was a dumb and obvious question and not at all what he wanted to say。 He wanted to tell her he was sorry; that he still loved her; that Chips had died and he was high and didn’t even know what to do about it。 He wanted to hold her and never let go。
Serena shrugged and smiled。 Her navy blue eyes looked far away。 “I’m okay。 How are you?”
“I’m… okay;” he said; shifting from one Stan Smith sneaker to the other。 Talk about the understatement of the year。 He wasn’t; not at all。 He was a fucking mess。 But right now; with Serena near him; he felt better than he had in a long time。
“Nathaniel fucking Archibald!”
Nate whirled around。 Towering above him was a guy with a familiar shock of reddish…blond hair。 It was Jeremy Scott Tompkinson; one of his old St。 Jude’s classmates。 Jeremy had always been excessively skinny and only about five foot two; but he’d obviously had a late…adolescent growth spurt in college。 He was huge; massive! Jeremy was trailed by Charlie Dern and Anthony Avuldsen; who were wearing matching Hamilton College visors perched on the sides of their heads to plement their matching beer guts。
Nate held out a hand and Jeremy; Charlie; and Anthony all slapped it in turn; their customary salute。 Charlie’s eyes bugged beneath his floppy bangs as he took in his old friend。 “I thought you were in; like; the army。”
Close enough。
“Nah; I was in school;” Nate said。 While he was excited to see his old St。 Jude’s buddies; he didn’t really feel like playing catch…up。 How could he explain about sailing the world; about Chips; about what he was up to now? They probably had no clue what Deep Springs was or what it was really about。 But he knew Serena would get it。 He suddenly wanted to be with Serena; alone。
“Where have you guys been? Beer Pong State?” Serena easily teased the guys。
Nate cracked a grin; glad that Serena was acting so chill。 She hadn’t grabbed his wrist; dragged him to a corner; and yelled at him for being an asshole。 That was nice。
Nate realized that everyone was looking at him curiously and snapped out of his reverie。 “I know how to milk a cow;” he said randomly。
“Man; really?” Jeremy asked; his eyes wide。 “So; like; you just squeeze?”
“Well; sort of。” Nate thought back to Juliet; his favorite cow in the barn。 He’d sometimes find himself whispering to her; telling her stories about the day or asking her questions。 He’d always feel reassured when she’d moo back; as if she understood what he meant。 In a way; it was the same way he felt when he was with Serena。 Not like Serena reminded him of a cow; but he didn’t feel nervous or scared or judged when he was with her。 It was nice。
“Really?” Serena asked; grinning as if it was the most amusing thing she’d heard all day。 Nate felt a surge of pride to realize he could still make her smile。 Did that mean she forgave him?
Maybe he should ask his cow what she thinks。
“Yeah。 Her name’s Juliet;” Nate said。 He didn’t really want to talk about cows anymore; but if he wasn’t talking about that; he didn’t know what he’d start babbling about。 Cows seemed like a pretty safe choice。 “She has really long eyelashes and likes to be touched behind the ears。”
Don’t we all?
“Should I be worried?” Serena giggled。 She couldn’t believe she’d been so nervous about talking to Nate。
“Dude; you either got really fucking weird or you have some fucking amazing weed I need to sample immediately。” Anthony wiggled his eyebrows crazily。
“Nah;” Nate replied simply。
“I’m getting some brews。” Anthony turned on his heel; trailed by Charlie and Jeremy。
Nate shook his head dreamily; as if he hadn’t noticed they’d already left。 “I can’t believe you’re here;” he said to Serena。 A stray eyelash sat on her cheekbone。 He gently brushed it away with hi