
青帝小说>gos is a girl > 第21部分(第3页)



It was all Mystery?s fault。 With her see…through slip and crooked yellow teeth she?d made him

feel like he was living inside of one of his poems; kissing a beguilingly odd girl he?d created at a

raucous; screwball party he?d invented。 He hadn?t been able to help but let his imagination run

amok; sending him stumbling across the snowy landscape to her ramshackle Chinatown studio

apartment and making love to her in all sorts of odd yogalike positions on her unfortable futon

bed as the sun was rising over the bleak; snow…covered city。 It was almost as if none of it had

actuallyhappened 。 It wasfiction 。

Except it wasn?t fiction。 He?d cheated。

Dan had been dreadfully hungover for the remainder of the weekend and too deeply mired in

existential guilt and self…loathing to answer Vanessa?s countless messages on his cell phone。

He flipped to the back of his history notebook。 What if he wrote Vanessa a poem and e…mailed it

to her during lunch next period? That would be more meaningful than flowers or chocolate or a

cheesy Valentine?s Day card。 The best thing about it was that he wouldn?t have to talk to her and

possibly admit that he?d cheated on her; because he?d never been any good at telling lies。

Mr。 Dube was writing on the board now。 Dan pretended to makes notes in his notebook。

Chalk angels;he wrote。Making meaning。

Then he thought about something Mystery had said when they were drinking their fourth or fifth

Red Bull cocktails。 Something about how she was tired of writing obscure poems that skirted

around what she was really trying to say。 Subtle was out。 Direct was in。

Kiss me。 Be mine。Dan wrote; imitating the little slogans on those candy hearts girls were always

passing around on Valentine?s Day。Hot stuff!

He reread the words without really seeing them。 His mind was still too full of his night with

Mystery to process anything else。 Her stringy dirty blond hair had smelled like toast and when

she?d touched his bare stomach with her cold; clammy hands; his whole body had rippled。 He?d

never even asked her what she meant by premature death or how his poem ?Sluts? had saved her

life; but he?d been so intoxicated by the taurine in the Red Bull and by her appallingly yellow

teeth; he probably wouldn?t have remembered anyway。

Lost my virginity again;Dan wrote; which was the truth。 Doing it with Mystery was like losing it

again。 Was it possible that every time he made love to a new woman it would feel that way?

Before he could imagine who the next lucky girl would be; the bell rang and Dan snapped out of

his reverie; slapping the notebook closed and tucking it under his arm。 ?Hey;? he called to

Zeke。 ?I?ll buy you some sushi for lunch if you wait for me to whip off an e…mail in the lab。?

?Okay。? Zeke shrugged; trying not to look too excited that his old friend was actually deigning to

pay attention to him again。 Since when did Dan Humphrey; king of cheap egg rolls and bad coffee;

