
青帝小说>这些道理没有人告诉过你英语 > 第31部分(第2页)


七、 “兼职活动”可能引发的提问

43。 你为什么要做这么多的家教? Why do you do so much private teaching?

44。 你为什么要做这份兼职工作?Why did you choose this part…time job?

回答示范: 说实话, 当时没有特别地去想为什么, 正好有个机会就去做了。如果说为什么, 就是觉得能锻炼自己的能力。Frankly speaking; I didn’t really ask why at that time。 I did it because I happened to have that opportunity。 If there is a why; I think it’s to improve my abilities。

45。 你做这份兼职工作的体会是什么?How do you feel about working in this place?

46。 你兼职做的都是和销售有关的工作, 为什么现在应聘市场工作?You have held lots of sales jobs; and why are you now applying for marketing posts?

47。 你在这里写自己的兼职工作获得了领导的好评, 那么领导是怎么样评价你的?是在什么场合下评价你的?You said you were praised by your boss; and how and when?

48。 你有没有考虑留在这个兼职的公司工作?Have you considered staying with this firm after graduation?

八、 “英语和计算机水平”可能引发的提问

49。 你只过了四级吗?Is the CET…4 your highest English certificate?

回答示范: 我把时间都花在计算机上面了, 我拿了两个证书。我现在正在新东方学口语, 我想口语好了, 应对工作没有问题。I spent most of my time learning puter skills; and I got two certificates。 I am now studying spoken English in New Oriental School。 I believe oral English is important for my future job。

50。 你过了六级, 那你的口语怎么样?You have a CET…6 certificate; so how is your spoken English?

回答示范: 我的口语, 在我们班里是前50%吧, 不算最好的, 因为有些女生特别在意英语, 简直都把新东方的课上遍了。说实话, 我没有花费太多时间练习, 就是按部就班过来的, 过了四级, 然后过六级。 I feel my spoken English ranks in the top half of my class。 I am not the best; some students really focus on English study; and they’ve taken so many courses at New Oriental School。 I; honestly speaking; just follow the normal steps; you know; CET…4; and then CET…6。


51。 你的英语很好, 你是怎么学的?Your English is very good; and how did you learn English?

回答示范: 我练习得特别多, 坐公共汽车的时候我都经常自言自语, 有时候别人都以为我神经病呢!I speak a lot。 I even talk to myself in English when sitting on buses。 Sometimes other passengers think I must be crazy; hehe。

52。 你在简历里写自己擅长英语演讲, 你能现场演讲一段吗?You said you are good at English speeches; and can you show me now?

53。 计算机用得怎么样?How about your puter skills?

54。 EXCEL和PPT经常用吗?Do you often use EXCEL and PPT?

九、 “个人兴趣”可能引发的提问

55。 你喜欢唱歌呀?是什么风格的歌曲?You like singing; what kind of songs?

56。 你喜欢长跑呀, 现在还坚持吗?You like long running; do you do it every day?

57。 你喜欢踢足球, 踢什么位置呀?You like playing football; which position?

58。 女孩子喜欢下围棋?好像很少见啊, 你为什么喜欢下围棋?Few girls like playing Go; and why do you like it?

十、 “荣誉”可能引发的提问

59。 在大学里得了这么多奖, 你是怎么做到的?You won so many awards; and how did you manage to do so?

60。 你在单位得到了优秀员工的称号, 有多少比例的人能得到?You received the honor of Employee of the Year; and what’s the percentage of employees who receive this award?

61。 你简历上写自己得过不少奖励, 那说明公司很重视你, 那你为什么要离开呢?是什么地方使你不满意?The awards and honors you received mean that your pany values you; so why do you want to leave? What dissatisfies you?

十一、 “自我描述”可能引发的提问

62。 你说自己很有领导能力, 可是我们这里没有什么项目可以给你领导呀, 多数都是小事情。You said you have leadership skills; but we don’t seem to have many projects for you to lead。 What we have are mostly chores。

回答示范: 其实, 写自己有领导能力就是因为要取悦招聘单位。每一个新毕业生都会这么吹的吧?在GE这么大的公司里, 我想首先领导好我自己就够了, 把自己的事情先做好。Actually I say I have leadership abilities to please you。 Most new graduates do so; right? In such a large pany as GE; I think I can only lead myself; do small things greatly; which wont be too easy!

