
青帝小说>美剧Gossip Girl > 第23部分(第1页)


?Oh。 I guess you?re not up for dinner then??

Owen?s voice didn?t sound nearly as sexy now that she knew what a plete asshole he was。

Blair walked over to the full…length mirror on the back of her closet door and examined her hair。 It

already looked a little longer。 Maybe it wouldn?t take that long to grow back。 Or maybe she?d cut

it even shorter。 She pulled her hair back severely from her forehead to see what it would look like


?I know your daughter;? she hissed into the phone as she walked over to her dresser and dug

around in the top drawer until she found the little pair of silver antique sewing scissors she?d

inherited from her grandmother and never had much use for。

?B…Blair?;? Owen stammered。

?Fuck off。? Blair clicked off the phone and threw it onto her bed。 Then; grabbing a handful of

hair; she began to hack away with the tiny silver sewing scissors。

Good…bye; Audrey Hepburn; hello Mia Farrow inRosemary?s Baby !


ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02


Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to

protect the innocent。 Namely; me。

hey people!

The least painful way to say good…bye

Sad but true; the reality of Valentine?s Day is that it makes demands on relationships that those

relationships may not be able to handle。 What do you do when you both know it?s over and you

just want to move on so you can start maxing out your credit cards on presents for yourself instead

of for someone else? In my vast experience with painless breakups; the less you say the better。

Don?t hash things out。 A simple gesture means so much more。 An invitation to do something ?with

the gang? instead of alone together。 A tender kiss on the cheek。 A good…bye wave。 And don?t you

dare return any gifts。 They?re yours! Keep ?em。

One thing you may not have realized about me

Iam real。 That means I have a birthday。 Next Monday I turn eighteen and I?m having a party and

you?re all invited。 I know what you?re thinking; it?sMonday 。 But really; what else have you got

to do on a Monday night? Your Latin homework? A do…it…yourself facial? Plus; the week willfly by

afterwards; I promise。

When?Monday; 9P。M。 till dawn。

Where?Gnome。 Don?t worry if you?ve never heard of it。 No one has。 It?s a brand…spanking…new

club on Bond Street celebrating its opening night with my party。 Isn?t that sweet?

What to bring?Yourself; your most beautiful friends; and of course;a present !


Babsent from school for the second day in a row。D waiting around in the lobby of thePlaza Hotel

