
青帝小说>美剧Gossip Girl > 第30部分(第1页)


blew on the sweet; steaming liquid。 ?I was thinking we should get tattoos。? She paused; waiting

for Aaron to respond; but his soft brown eyes looked puzzled; so she went on。 ?You know; like of

our names。 To show our mitment to each other。? She took a sip of her coffee and licked her

lovely; luscious lips。 ?I?ve always wanted a tattoo that only I knew about。 You know;

somewhereprivate 。?

Aaron smiled hesitantly。 He liked Serena a lot。 She was intoxicatingly beautiful; a total

sweetheart; and pletely undemanding。 She was above and beyond any girl he?d ever met。 But

he wasn?t sure he wanted to tattoo her name all over his body。 In fact; he?d always thought tattoos

were kind of violent; like brands on cattle; and as a vegan and a Rastafarian; he was morally

opposed to any type of violence。

?Tattoos are against my religion;? he stated; but when he saw Serena?s gorgeous face crumple in

dismay he took her hand and added quickly; ?But I?ll think about it; okay??

Serena wasn?t one to hold grudges; certainly not against the cutest boy in the universe。 Already

over it; she tugged on his hand and they started walking toward Fifth Avenue。 The sky was a

sullen gray; and a chilly wind bit at their faces。 In an hour it would be dark。

?So what should we do?? she asked。 ?I was thinking it might be kind of crazy to go up to the top

of the Empire State Building。 I?ve lived here my whole life and I?ve never even been up there。

And it?sso cold 。 I bet no one even thinks of going up there at this time of year。 It?ll be totally

empty and romantic; like in a old movie or something。?

Aaron laughed。 ?You?ve been hanging out with Blair too much。? His stepsister always turned

everything into a romantic black…and…white movie from the fifties; trying to make her life even

more glamorous than it already was。 As they turned down Fifth; Mookie scampered ahead of them;

tugging on the leash looped loosely around Aaron?s wrist。 ?Hey; chill out; Mook。?

Serena tucked her free hand into Aaron?s black North Face parka pocket。 ?Blair was acting really

weird during peer group; that new thing we?re doing with the freshmen at lunchtime。 After that

she just disappeared。 She didn?t even show up for gym。?

Aaron shrugged and sipped his drink。 ?Maybe she had cramps or something。?

Serena shook her pretty head。 ?I?m worried she?s a little jealous。 You know; ofus 。?

Aaron didn?t say anything。 Over Christmas he?d developed a huge crush on Blair; even though

she was his stepsister。 Being with Serena had made him forget all about it; but it was still odd to

think that Blair might actually jealous ofthem ; when he?d been pining overher all those weeks。

?So; are we going to the Empire State Building?? Serena asked; stopping at the next corner and

turning to peer back up Fifth Avenue。 A fleet of buses roared by。 ?If we are; we should grab a cab。?

Aaron looked at his watch。 It was ten after four。 ?I was kind of thinking I?d like to stop by my

house to check the mail。? He grinned bashfully; embarrassed by how nerdy he sounded。 ?Early

