
青帝小说>gossip girl > 第18部分(第3页)


trailed almost to the floor as Nate carried her down the long hall from the attic stairs to her

bedroom。 He pulled back the plush white duvet and set her down on the bed; but she clung to him。

?Don?t leave me alone。?

Nate wasn?t planning to。 Who knew what she?d do if he did。

?I?ll be back in a sec;? he said; extracting himself。 He walked across the room and into the

bathroom; leaving the door ajar so he could catch Georgie before she did anything dumb。 Lined up

on the counter next to the bathroom sink were three little bottles of prescription pills。 Nate

recognized the name Percoset because he?d taken the painkiller when he?d had his wisdom teeth

removed; but he didn?t recognize the names of the other two。 None of the three prescriptions were

made out to Georgina Spark。

He washed his hands and then went back into the bedroom。 Georgie lay flat on her stomach in

her white cotton underwear; snoring softly and looking much more innocent than she deserved to。

Nate sat down beside her and watched her for a while。 The bones in her vertebrae stuck out from

her back; moving up and down as she breathed。 He wondered if he should call someone; or if it

was normal for Georgie to just take a bunch of pills and then go to sleep。

In the Breakaway meeting that day Jackie had said that if they were ever struggling and needed a

hand to reach out to; they could call her。 Nate pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and searched

for Jackie?s number; which she?d insisted everyone program in during the meeting。 Nate had

thought there was no way he?d ever need it。 He stood up and went back into the bathroom as the

phone began to ring。

It rang for a long time before Jackie finally answered groggily。 ?Yes??

Nate looked at his watch; realizing too late that it was two o?clock in the morning。 ?Hey;? he said

slowly。 ?This is Nate Archibald from your group that met today?? he explained; wishing he

sounded less stoned。 ?I?m; um; at that girl Georgie?s house? I just found out she took a whole

bunch of pills and I think she?s fine?she?s sleeping?but I just wanted to ask you; you know;

should I do something??

?Nate;? Jackie said urgently; suddenly sounding like she?d just drunk ten cups of coffee; ?I want

you to read me the labels on the pills; and; if you can; tell me how many she took。?

Nate picked up the bottles and read out the names。 He didn?t mention the horse pills; but he was

pretty sure Georgie hadn?t ingested any of those。 ?I don?t know how many;? he said helplessly。 ?I

wasn?t watching when she took them。?

?And you?re sure she?s asleep? Her breathing is regular? She?s not vomiting or choking??

Nate rushed into the bedroom feeling more alarmed than ever; but Georgie was still sleeping

peacefully; her ribs expanding and contracting gently with each breath; her dark hair fanned out on

the pillow around her head; looking exactly like a sleeping Snow White。 ?Yeah;? he said;

relieved。 ?She?s sleeping。?

