
青帝小说>闲谈的英文gossip怎么读 > 第20部分(第1页)


nudging aside plastic containers filled with garlic salt; red pepper flakes; and oregano。 ?Where?s


Mitchell?s little side business was no secret in the pizza parlor。 The pizza chef raised his bushy

black eyebrows。 His name might actually have been Ray; but even after years of buying pizza and

pot there Nate still wasn?t sure。 ?Mitchell?s gone already。 You missed him。?

Nate patted the back pocket of his khakis; where he?d shoved his bulging Coach wallet; a sour

lump of panic rising in his throat。 Of course he wasn?taddicted ; but he didn?t like being stuck

without any weed at all when he?d been planning to roll a nice big fatty to while away the

afternoon。 And tomorrow afternoon; and the day after that 。 。 。

?What? You mean he left for Amsterdam already??

Ray?or maybe it was Roy?pulled open the shiny chrome door of the pizza oven and in one expert

motion slipped two hot slices onto a double layer of paper plates and slid them across the counter

in Nate?s direction。 ?Sorry; buddy;? he said only half sympathetically。 ?But from now on we sell

pizza and soda andonly pizza and soda。 Got it??

Nate picked up the plate of pizza and then put it down on the counter again。 He couldn?t believe

his bad luck。 He pulled out his wallet and removed a ten…dollar bill from the fat wad inside。 ?Keep

the change;? he muttered; dropping the bill on the counter before leaving with his pizza。

Out on the street; he wandered aimlessly toward the park; feeling like an abandoned dog。 He?d

been buying weed from Mitchell ever since eighth grade。 One random May afternoon; Nate and

his buddy Jeremy Scott Tompkinson had gone into the pizza place to buy a slice; and Mitchell had

overheard Jeremy daring Nate to steal the container of oregano so they could take it home and

smoke it。 Mitchell had proposed to sell them something even more mood…enhancing; and Nate and

his buddies had been ing back ever since。 What was he supposed to do now; buy dime bags

from one of those random; shifty…looking dudes in Central Park? Most of those guys sold crappy;

dry; Texas…grown stuff anyway; not the succulent green buds Mitchell got directly from his uncle

in Peru。 Besides; he?d heard half the Central Park dealers were narcs just waiting to bust a kid like


Dumping his half…eaten pizza slices in the nearest garbage can; Nate dug into the pockets of his

Hugo Boss naval officer?style coat; searching for a leftover roach。 When he found one he crossed

Fifth Avenue and crouched on a park bench to light it; ignoring the group of giggling tenth…grade

girls in dark blue Constance Billard uniforms ogling him lustily as they walked by。

With his I…know…I?m…hot smile; his golden brown hair; his emerald green eyes; his always…tanned

skin; and his sexy expertise in building and racing sailboats; Nate Archibald was the most

lusted…after boy on the Upper East Side。 He didn?t have to go looking for girls。 They just fell into

his lap。 Literally。

