
青帝小说>这些道理没有人告诉过你歌曲 > 第35部分(第2页)



(1) (What) I organized a group to sing English choir on Choir Eve; visited all the dormitories in our university and sent Christmas gifts on behalf of our English Association。

(2) (Task) To broaden the students understanding of Western culture。

(3) (Key words) took the initiative & leading role

i。 Suggested the idea to the Chairman of our English Association and got his approval。

ii。 Asked each member of our association to offer at least three suggestions on each of the questions below:

* What songs to play?

第十节以“What…S。T。A。R。…Key Words陈述法”(7)

* Who could join the choir?

* Where should we perform?

iii。 bined the other team members suggestions with my idea and made a decision on the questions above。

iv。 Organized the rehearsals; reminded the singers of each rehearsal time and place with short messages; because our singers were indeed busy and they could forget。

v。 Made each rehearsal as lively as possible to make the singers feel the atmosphere of Christmas; and thus motivate them to sing with emotion。

(4) (Result) Many students said that they were happily surprised by our activity and they hoped we would hold such activities next Christmas。 And some said they would love to join our association to learn the beautiful choir。

3。 Describe a situation where you sought out relevant information; defined key issues; and decided on which steps to take to get the desired results。 描述一个例子, 你找到相关信息, 确定重点事项, 然后决定了采取哪些步骤来获得满意的结果。

问题分析: 考查意图: 分析—判断—决策能力。关键词: seek out relevant information; define key issues; decide on the steps。面试官希望了解你分析处理一件事情的全过程。和刚才一个题目考查如何争取别人的协助是完全不同的。所以, 你在描述的时候要重点描述你做整个事情的经过, 而不是和什么人一起做。


(1) (What) I organized the first activity of the Management School English Association。

(2) (Situation) As the association is newly founded; not many students show interest in our activities; and we lack efficient ways of helping the existing members to improve their English。

(3) (Task) We decided to make some improvements in our association; in order to help more than two hundred freshmen and sophomores with their English while publicizing our group。

(4) (Actions: 利用原文的Key Words)

i。 Seek out relevant information:

* What kind of entertainment was popular among students that also offered chances for them to learn English most effectively?

* Which teacher was suitable for this position?

* When were our members available?

* Which place was convenient for a large attendance?

* Other related factors; such as the availability of facilities and the layout of the spots。

ii。 Key issue: What are the weak points of the students English abilities? Vocabulary? Listening? Speaking? Grammar? Writing?

iii。 Decide on the steps to take:

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