
青帝小说>gossip girl第二季在线 > 第2部分(第2页)


It hides the scars;” Mrs。 Coates whispered back。

The room was abuzz with snatches of gossip about Blair’s mother

and Cyrus Rose。 From what Blair could hear; her mother’s friends

felt exactly the same way she did; although they didn’t exactly use

words like annoying; fat; or loser。

“I smell Old Spice;” Mrs。 Coates whispered to Mrs。 Archibald。 “Do

you think he’s actually wearing Old Spice?”

That would be the male equivalent of wearing Impulse body spray;

which everyone knows is the female equivalent of nasty。

“I’m not sure;” Mrs。 Archibald whispered back。 “But I think he might

be。” She snatched a cod…and…caper spring roll off Esther’s platter;

popped it into her mouth; and chewed it vigorously; refusing to say

anything more。 She couldn’t bear for Eleanor Waldorf to overhear

them。 Gossip and idle chat were amusing; but not at the expense of

an old friend’s feelings。

Bullshit! Blair would have said if she could have heard Mrs。

Archibald’s thoughts。 Hypocrite! All of these people were terrible

gossips。 And if you’re going to do it; why not enjoy it?

Across the room; Cyrus grabbed Eleanor and kissed her on the lips

in full view of everyone。 Blair shrank away from the revolting sight

of her mother and Cyrus acting like geeky teens with a crush and

turned to look out the penthouse window at Fifth Avenue and

Central Park。 The fall foliage was on fire。 A lone bicyclist rode out of

the Seventy…second Street entrance to the park and stopped at the

hot…dog vendor on the corner to buy a bottle of water。 Blair had

never noticed the hot…dog vendor before; and she wondered if he

always parked there; or if he was new。 It was funny how much you

could miss in what you saw every day。

Suddenly Blair was starving; and she knew just what she wanted: A

hot dog。 She wanted one right now—a steaming hot Sabrette hot

dog with mustard and ketchup and onions and sauerkraut—and she

was going to eat it in three bites and then burp in her mother’s

face。 If Cyrus could stick his tongue down her mother’s throat in

front of all of her friends; then she could eat a stupid hot dog。

“I’ll be right back;” Blair told Kati and Isabel。

She whirled around and began to walk across the room to the front

hall。 She was going to put on her coat; go outside; get a hot dog

from the vendor; eat it in three bites; e back; burp in her

