renting a much less gorgeous one at a formal store。 His sister J was
seen buying underwear at La Petite Coquette; although she
chickened out on the thong。 N was seen buying a big bag of pot in
Central Park。 Tell me something new。 B was seen in the J。 Sisters
salon getting another Brazilian wax。 The old one must have started
to itch。 S was seen with her feet out her bedroom window; letting
her toenails dry。 I don’t think she’s ever spent this much time at
home in her entire life。 Maybe she should get a cat or something。
First: If you knew about a party that you weren’t invited to; wouldn’t
you go; just to piss people off? I would。
Second: If you’d made up your mind to go to the party; wouldn’t
you want to really rub people’s noses in it by looking pletely
gorgeous and stealing everyone’s boyfriends? Definitely。
But who knows what S will decide to do。 That girl is full of
surprises。 。 。 。
At least I’ve given us all something to think about while we’re
getting our pedicures; plucking our eyebrows; and squeezing our
See you at the party!
You know you love me;
“Ugly; ugly; ugly;” Serena said; wadding her new black dress into a
ball and tossing it onto her bed。
A gorgeous Tocca dress? e on; how ugly could it be?
Each day that week; Serena had dressed in her maroon uniform;
gone to school; e home; watched some TV; eaten dinner;
watched some more TV; and gone to sleep。 She even did some
homework。 She spoke to no one except her parents and her
teachers and maybe a passing greeting to the girls at school。 She
was beginning to feel only half…there; like the shadow of her former
self; a girl people had known once; but couldn’t quite remember
anymore。 And for the first time in her entire life; she felt ugly and
awkward。 Her eyes and hair looked dull to her; and her beautiful