“I love your shoes;” Blair said。 Becky was wearing black; high…
heeled sandals that laced all the way up to her knees。 They went
perfectly with her short black tutu dress and her superhigh ponytail。
She looked like a ballerina on acid。
“I can’t wait for the gift bags;” Laura Salmon squealed。 “Kate
Spade; right?”
“I heard they even put a glow…in…the…dark condom in them;” Rain
Hoffstetter giggled。 “Isn’t that cool?”
“Not that you’ll be using it or anything;” Blair said。
“How do you know?” Rain huffed。
“Blair?” Blair heard someone say in a tremulous voice。
Blair turned around to see little Jenny Humphrey standing behind
her; looking like a human Wonderbra in her black satin dress。
“Oh; hello;” Blair said coolly。 “Thanks again for doing those
invitations。 They really came out great。”
“Thanks for letting me do them;” Jenny said。 Her eyes darted
around the huge room; which was throbbing with people and music
and smoke。 Black three…foot…high candles in tall glass beakers
trimmed with peacock feathers and fragrant white orchids flickered
everywhere。 Jenny had never been to anything this cool in her life。
“God; I don’t know anyone here;” she said nervously。
“You don’t?” Blair said。 She wondered if Jenny thought she was
going to talk to her all night。
“No。 My brother Dan was supposed to e with me; but he didn’t
really want to; so I just let him drop me off。 Actually; I do know one
person;” Jenny said。
“Oh;” said Blair。 “And who is that?”
“Serena van der Woodsen;” Jenny chirped。 “We’re making a movie
together。 Did she tell you?”
Just then; a waitress brandished a platter of sushi under Blair’s
nose。 Blair grabbed a chunky tuna roll and shoved it into her mouth。
“Serena’s not here yet;” she said; chewing hungrily。 “But I’m sure
she’ll be thrilled to see you。”