
青帝小说>我的名字叫红百科 > 第72部分(第1页)


he’d lived for years through thoughts of me; neither in his innocent childlike


Prodding his shoulder with the edge of my bare foot; I woke him。 When he

saw  me;  he  was  startled  more  than  enchanted  and  excited;  if  only  for  a

moment; just as I’d hoped。 Before he’d pletely e to his senses; I said:

“I  dreamed  I  saw  my  father。  He  confided  something  horrible  to  me:  You

were the one who killed him…”

“Weren’t we together when your father was murdered?”

“I’m aware of this;” I said。 “But you knew that my father would be at home

all alone。”

“I did not。 You were the one who sent the children out with Hayriye。 Only

Hayriye; and perhaps Esther; knew about it。 And as for whoever else might’ve

known; you’d have a better idea than I。”

“There are times I feel an inner voice is about to tell me why everything has

gone  so  badly;  the  secret  of  all  of  our  misfortune。  I  open  my  mouth  so  that


voice might speak; but as in a dream; I make no sound。 You’re no longer the

good and naive Black of my childhood。”

“That naive Black was driven away by you and your father。”

“If you’ve married me to take revenge on my father; you’ve acplished

your goal。 Maybe this is why the children don’t like you。”

“I  know;”  he  said  without  sorrow。  “Before  going  to  bed  you  were

downstairs for a while。 They were chanting ”Black; Black; my ass’s crack;“ loud

enough so I could hear。”

“You should’ve given them a beating;” I said; at first half…wishing he’d done

so。 Then I added in a panic; “If you raise a hand against them; I’ll kill you。”

“Get into bed;” he said。 “Or you’ll freeze to death。”

“Maybe  I’ll  never  get  into  your  bed。  Maybe  we’ve  made  a  mistake  by

getting married。 They say our ceremony has no legitimacy before the law。 Do

you  know  I  heard  Hasan’s  footsteps  before  I  fell  asleep?  It’s  not  surprising;

when I was living in the house of my late husband; I heard Hasan’s footsteps

for  years。  The  children  like  him。  And  he’s  merciless;  that  one。  He  has  a  red

sword; take care to guard yourself against it。”

I  saw  something  so  weary  and  so  stern  in  Black’s  eyes  that  I  knew  I

