
青帝小说>美剧Gossip Girl > 第24部分(第3页)


whispered quietly。

?Yup;? Jenny giggled back; relieved that Elise was cool enough not to ask too many questions。

When they were alone; she would explain everything; just like best friends were supposed to。 She

gazed up at Leo?s perfectly structured; perfectly paintable face; swooning as he flashed his shy;

chipped…tooth smile again。 ?I knew your name couldn?t be Lance。?

vturns down chance to film deposing fish bodies!

?Glad you could make it;? Ken Mogul said on Wednesday afternoon when Vanessa joined him at

a booth in Chippies; the new Williamsburg coffee shop down the street from where she lived。 He

pushed a steaming mug of cappuccino toward her。 ?I ordered for both of us。 Hope that?s cool by


Vanessa sat down with her black down parka on and clasped the mug with both hands; pursing

her lips as she blew on the hot; milky froth。 ?Thanks for hooking me up with that whole fashion

show gig;? she said。 ?It was such a gas。? She winced; hating the way she sounded when she talked

to Ken Mogul。 Like some brainless poser fool。

Ken pushed his tortoise…shell Persol sunglasses up on top of his jauntily cut red hair and leaned

across the table; ready to get down to business。 ?I?d like you to join me at Cannes this spring。 I?ll

introduce you to some other brilliant independent filmmakers。 We can trade energy; brainstorm

together。 Then I want you to hold off on college for a year or two to make some films with me。

It?s going to be magical; I can feel it。?

Enya was playing over the sound system。 Vanessa unzipped her coat and then zipped it up again。

She hated Enya。

?I?ve started working on a new project down in South

America;? Ken Mogul continued。 ?It opens with sea gulls feeding their young the flesh from

deposing fish bodies and then moves to gorillas in the rainforest abandoning their young。

Then I?m going to cut to the streets of Rio; where kids are prostituting themselves for drugs。 I

haven?t begun filming yet; but I was thinking you could get in there and meet some of the

kids;befriend them; get theirstories 。 You don?t happen to know Portuguese; do you??

Vanessa shook her head。 Who was he kidding?


She shook her head again。

?It doesn?t matter。 We?ll get a translator; or find some kids who speak English。 All your expenses

will be paid for by Duke Productions。 You remember Duke from the Better Than Naked party??

Vanessa nodded with an amused smile。 How could she forget Duke; the dumbest guy on the


?You?d have your own car; your own apartment; free equipment; and whatever else you need;?

Ken added。 ?Are you with me??

Vanessa noticed for the first time that Ken Mogul had very little definition in the chin area。 In

