fact; he was practically chinless。 ?I?ve always wanted to go to Cannes;? she replied; thoughtfully
slurping her cappuccino。 ?And your new project sounds really 。 。 。 awesome。 But I got accepted
early to NYU。 I?ve wanted to go there since I was eleven years old。 There?s no way I?m
?But what about my film? Child prostitution! Animals abandoning their young! This is
groundbreaking stuff!? Ken Mogul spluttered; spitting all over the counter。 Vanessa thought that if
he?d had more of a chin; the spit might not have gone so far。
Over Ken?s shoulder Vanessa noticed a light blue flyer pinned to a bulletin board。
Rivington Rover Poetry Club Open Mike
featuring readings by
Daniel Humphrey and Mystery Craze
Thursday; 8P。M。
No wonder Dan had been blowing her off all week。 He was busy being famous。
?Vanessa? Are you still with me?? Ken demanded。 ?First lesson you learn in this business is the
clock never stops ticking。?
Vanessa smiled her half…amused; half…pissed…off Mona Lisa smile。 As flattered as she was that
Ken had asked her to work with him; she had no intention of being a mini…Mogul。 She wanted
to develop herown voice and herown career; not put all her energy into someone else?s work;
however brilliant。 She shook her closely shaved dark head。 ?I?m sorry。?
Ken Mogul?s barely there chin disappeared altogether as he lost his cool pletely。 ?I?ve never
offered to partner with anyone;? he said grimly。 ?This is the opportunity of a lifetime。 I?m giving
you the chance to make a feature film before you turn twenty。 It?s unheard of!?
That old guy at the Culture of Humanity show had advised her not to take her talent too seriously。
Ken obviously took his way;way too seriously。 She stood up and yanked the light blue flyer off the
bulletin board behind Ken?s head。 She and Dan were supposed to be working on a filmtogether ;
but if she could slip into the club and film him reading without him even knowing she was there;
that would be even better。 Dan was always better when he didn?t know she was watching。
?Thank you;? she told Ken。 ?I?m honored; I really am。
But I?m working on something new; of my own。 I think I?d like to finish it。?
Ken Mogul pushed his sunglasses down on his nose and glared out the window。 ?It?s your loss。?
?Thanks for the coffee;? Vanessa said; even though he was no longer looking at her。 She folded
up the blue flyer and tucked it into her pocket。 ?Good luck at Cannes。?
Ken Mogul zipped up his fur…trimmed Prada parka and pulled the hood up over his head as if to
block her out pletely。 ??Bye。?
Vanessa headed home to sort through her camera gear and figure out what she needed to bring to
the reading at the Rivington Rover Poetry Club tomorrow night。 When Dan was finished reading